our team

Team Ian Nicholas Baker 16 09 09 (2)Ian Baker

Core Strengths:Taking a brief from clients and ensuring that delivery is as required. Ian’s strength is in communication and understanding that commercial success underpins every project. Self employed since birth the sales and marketing process is now second nature to him.

Services Supplied: Ian will map each project well in advance for the client to agree and the team to expedite. He has strong design skills and is experienced in supplying web based solutions to produce effective marketing operations. He has a dedicated interest in digital marketing and is excited about the opportunities that exist for small businesses.

Ambitions: To continue delivering solutions that clients are pleased with.

Team Brian StubbingsBrian Stubbings

Core Strengths: Website development and analysis. Brian puts together websites of technical brilliance. With a BSc in Physics from Kent University and a career in programming for major corporates he is now well placed to harness his technical competence with his creative and artistic nature.

Services Supplied: Brian oversees all of our website development and ensures that the technical nick nacks that serve the well being of the sites are in good working order. Brian also runs his own Graphics business and is wholly competent in the use of Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Flash and InDesign.

Ambitions: Brian seems to want to create the perfect website with his own blend of alchemy and artistry. He never comes out of his office.

Team Carol NourseCarol Nourse

Core Strengths: Social media expert and website administration. Runs her own Virtual Assistant business from Crete. She also has an MA degree in Russian and another MA in Spanish and Russian Translation. She also speaks very good Greek and even gets by with her A level French.

Services Supplied: Carol can oversee any social media campaigns that you may wish to run. Her office skills are contemporary and she can manage most cloud based administration systems and CRM databases. Her WordPress skills are excellent and she can also apply additions such as widgets and applications to your website and teach you to use them.

Ambitions: To perfect the paperless office for small businesses whilst living the life of Riley in the Mediterranean sunshine.