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Google has changed their algorithm again and this time it places an emphasis on the structure of your site as it appears on a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet.

What does this mean to me?

If your site is not mobile friendly Google will place a type of penalty against it which will affect your chances of being found in organic search results.

As no one knows what the algorithm is or what it is designed to  achieve what and how your site will be penalised will be difficult to forecast. Sufficient to say that it will be detrimental.

However, if your site has already been designed to appear at its best on mobile devices you will be winning two fold!

For a start your site will be easy to read and it is well known now that more than half of all internet searchs are conducted on a mobile device. If your site looks good and is easy to read you have a greater chance of your visitor having a satisfactory experience. Hopefully that alone will lead to more business.

Secondly, you will win if Google is penalising your competition and they find themselves slipping in the rankings thus elevating your position. Again, being easier to find, you should enjoy more enquiries and more business.

How we can help you.

We have been designing mobile ready sites for years and we are experienced in creating a good user experience for those on the move. If you have a site that needs an update please give is a call. We may not have to redesign the whole site so don’t worry………..we can often apply our development skills solely to the elements that you will need to change to make the site fully responsive.


Please give us a call and let us have a look. We will be happy to work with you to see if we can improve your site.